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isgphys / matrixcli
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Code for the AP nanoladder experiment. This is mainly to supply the students with the experimental (simulated) data. Also contains the underlying paper and will have a link to the manual
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Code for the AP nanoladder experiment. This is mainly to supply the students with the experimental (simulated) data. Also contains the underlying paper and will have a link to the manual
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Wrapper of CmdLib.dll making C# library functions available to C++. CmdLib.dll is a library to control some the Newport motion controllers. This wrapper only wraps few functions needed to communicate with NewFocus 8743-CL pico-motor.
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Matt Grau / radium_jc
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Quick and dirty simulation of our source. Based on geant4 examples, a lot of room for improvement
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Quick and dirty simulation of our source. Based on geant4 examples, a lot of room for improvement
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Offline Analysis with DASK and more, especially for FLASH data. Used first time in August 2017 for FLASH (in Hamburg)
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This is a web site simulation of the display on Vlad's PhD defense hat.